Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Long Time..No see!

It has been really long since I opened blogger to draft something.

The charm is gone for some reason. I hardly use Google Talk, GMail, Orkut! Ohh good Orkut! You're  the so good in those days.

A lot of thoughts are rushing and I unfortunately don't have time to write them all.

September 30th 2014 marked a closure of a couple of things which I intended to "see" for one last time, probably. One certainly is Orkut. When I visited the page yesterday, it had already locked down on the user profiles. Only public communities contents could be seen.

Another item was CAT'14. It occured to me today morning that CAT'14 should be taken this time having read one newspaper article about there is still time left for prep! No sooner than I visited the page, I found September 30,2014 laughing at my face.

Need to end this abrupt post here. I'm falling short of words, time and creativity.

1 comment:

Vaibhav Jain said...

Hmm.. those good old days