I was so charged when I got up this morning that I had decided to write about how wonderful my day was. And here I'm writing the content with sleepy eyes and not much of a interest. Reason being overworked, over tensed and what not!
When I woke up I knew what was in my kitty today and I had estimated the time it would take to finish my task and do miscellaneous though important organizational work. I had planned to start with learning 'Python', a language that might give an edge over others in coming interviews. But could do none..besides doing my work I had to do other's job as well. Shuchi is sick and did not come so I had to take up her's as well. On the flipside, people(and I) may think, it is a good oppotunity to learn new things, but UAT is no good time for experimentation. I had my time for it now it's passed. Now it's either do the thing or get some anal-ysis of work.
It could have been worse had i not been fed with some great namkeen, sweets and chcoloates from various people who came back from their vacations. At work I also got unprecedented support from Siebel application team. Thanks a ton guys! Without your support I would have vanished. - I took a pause midway to thank Siebel guys using office portal -
Another pause...got a call from my manager..regarding an email we have just received from a senior executive! Super awesome day! I say so because I feel proud and good when I get into this pressure cooker situation..the only problem is..most of the time I land unprepared.
This is a very abruot ending I know but I'll get the other bad things happened in the day with something good to happen.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
What I achieved today!
I have found a song which got erased from my phone's memory long back : Sarina Paris' - Look at us!
Just a second ago I realised why I got an idea to get this song..somehow. Last night, I had a dream, I saw shukla, she's been in my mind for some reason for past couple of days. This song, I must have mentioend in previous blogs, reminds me of the rain, the meeting with her after very very long period. No wonder why I wanted to hear this song so badly once I woke up this morning. Human brain! I believe I did do some causal analysis!
I've been missing from this page(my blog) for quite a time. Last post was written good 2 months back that too with a depressing content. Lot of good things have hapenned since then! I've been to Delhi twice. I've received 400+ performance points. I probably gained a couple of kilograms. Since McDonalds has opened next to our office...I don't see me loosing any but gaining a few more. I met a wonderful person from US, courtesy - Vibhu's friend's colleague, John Mark. I got a taste of Jagermeister(spelled as, yager-meitzer) or Jager Bomb (Jager + Red Bull) - one word to describe it is-awesome. We've got 8 bit video game to play - Contra/Mario/Pacman/ Duck hunt/ Tennis..I can't name all, the cassette contains staggering 999999 games! And I attended Ruchika's wedding - it tops it all! It is one of the selective pleasure moments. To see a girl who you went to school with, in a wedding dress (as I write, I smile), was an amazing feeling.
Very wonderful things are lined up as well..Year end I'll be in Delhi. I've so many friends to meet I haven't met in a long time. Vijay(friend from Tagore), Selyucus(FAPS), Madhur, Ghosh Vaibhav, Rahul et al. (JIIT). I might give certain interviews too. But for that I need to prepare my resume and I'm off to do that..bbye..Cheers and in John's word - B*******ds. He offered us Jager we offered some Hindi gyan.
Just a second ago I realised why I got an idea to get this song..somehow. Last night, I had a dream, I saw shukla, she's been in my mind for some reason for past couple of days. This song, I must have mentioend in previous blogs, reminds me of the rain, the meeting with her after very very long period. No wonder why I wanted to hear this song so badly once I woke up this morning. Human brain! I believe I did do some causal analysis!
I've been missing from this page(my blog) for quite a time. Last post was written good 2 months back that too with a depressing content. Lot of good things have hapenned since then! I've been to Delhi twice. I've received 400+ performance points. I probably gained a couple of kilograms. Since McDonalds has opened next to our office...I don't see me loosing any but gaining a few more. I met a wonderful person from US, courtesy - Vibhu's friend's colleague, John Mark. I got a taste of Jagermeister(spelled as, yager-meitzer) or Jager Bomb (Jager + Red Bull) - one word to describe it is-awesome. We've got 8 bit video game to play - Contra/Mario/Pacman/ Duck hunt/ Tennis..I can't name all, the cassette contains staggering 999999 games! And I attended Ruchika's wedding - it tops it all! It is one of the selective pleasure moments. To see a girl who you went to school with, in a wedding dress (as I write, I smile), was an amazing feeling.
Very wonderful things are lined up as well..Year end I'll be in Delhi. I've so many friends to meet I haven't met in a long time. Vijay(friend from Tagore), Selyucus(FAPS), Madhur, Ghosh Vaibhav, Rahul et al. (JIIT). I might give certain interviews too. But for that I need to prepare my resume and I'm off to do that..bbye..Cheers and in John's word - B*******ds. He offered us Jager we offered some Hindi gyan.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Tough times at Work
I had been thinking of inking the thought running through my head for a very long time. I could not do it for the simple reason that I'm lazy..for the same reason I missed out on writing about my memorable trip to Solan and later placement in TCS..the whole process. Anyways, I'm writing about the happenings, lately, which I've been thinking to write about since Tuesday, Sept 14th.
Last week on thursday at my work, I was asked to make a tool work, which, actually, I was supposed to use for the testing, once provided built.
I didn't ahve to start from scratch and I had the basic prototype yet I struggled the whole day with query. Ila and Sud provided a great deal of help..without them I would not have moved a single step since the making and working of the tool was all about playing with query and data. I have had bad bad experiences with DBMS, so much so that I was on the verge of being thrown out of Accenture had I not 'asked for help' or re-re-re-exam wouldn't have been simplest. The tool requiring queries and stuff, made the job difficult. My Thursday, last week, was completely devoted to this activity. Siebel team had no work to do on that day..btw post thursday Sept 9th our team size reduced to 3 and has now, reduced to 2, with Dholak being rolled out today. I'll miss her badly. Ab mera khoon kaun jalayega?
I was the only one surviving from the Lodestar and thus started my struggle. Before that..since tool did not complete on Thursday..I was asked to work on the same on Monday as well..while testing environment was down due to data migration. I was loaded with work and Siebel testing team had a good time..no work! Having involved Ila and Sud already so much on Thursday I didnt want to consume their day in something I was assigned to work upon. I had also gained some sense about the approach I was to follow to make the thing work. Thanks to Mori's insight on the query on Thursday evening and discussion with Vibhu later in the night.On the Monday eve..it was a Eureka moment the tool got made..I tested it..it worked fine. I drafted an status email anticpating kind of an 'appreciation'. However I did not get any.
Next day, Tuesday, tough times started. With all the DholakS (singing and poking fucking nose in everything and everytime) and the daunting task for days ahead till today, were a trouble. I was asked to Smoke Test the system plus generate 18 invoices! DholakS as usual didn't have to do anything..at all and they didn't 'do' any either. 5 & 10 DD were done easily and on time before 6:30. With all the invoices remaining to be generated I started working out a 'cycle' so that I used 'Prebilling' lesser number of times. Strategising took a long time and before I could identify the accnounts to include in a cycle or even zero in on accounts, On-shore demanded the status on invoices as they would be running COBRA after a few hours. Hastily I geenrated 2 and used the other 2, generated from the process run earlier in the day. Wednesday's email on Critical path mentioned non-delivery of the said numbber of Invoices from the IDC.
The workload on Tuesday was as much as it used to be when we were team of 8. Probably this was not considered while assigning the task for each day and that's why till yesterday I had 'Everest' to climb alone.
Wednesday and Thurday were some hopeless story, with 16 and 18 to be delivered respecitvely and actual delivery was 11 and 12. On thurday's call I let onshore know about the situation and my points were well taken. It could be my conern for the amount of task assigned and/or Reshma's and Komal's update, to Onshore about my skipping lunch and working late hours to get the invoices done, that I not only got 1/3 of the daily work but also appreciation email! God..I was happy and I thanked Offshore as well as Onshore for recognising my efforts. I am/was happy!
I'll happier if I get rolled off on the scheduled date. God - please make it happpen.
Last week on thursday at my work, I was asked to make a tool work, which, actually, I was supposed to use for the testing, once provided built.
I didn't ahve to start from scratch and I had the basic prototype yet I struggled the whole day with query. Ila and Sud provided a great deal of help..without them I would not have moved a single step since the making and working of the tool was all about playing with query and data. I have had bad bad experiences with DBMS, so much so that I was on the verge of being thrown out of Accenture had I not 'asked for help' or re-re-re-exam wouldn't have been simplest. The tool requiring queries and stuff, made the job difficult. My Thursday, last week, was completely devoted to this activity. Siebel team had no work to do on that day..btw post thursday Sept 9th our team size reduced to 3 and has now, reduced to 2, with Dholak being rolled out today. I'll miss her badly. Ab mera khoon kaun jalayega?
I was the only one surviving from the Lodestar and thus started my struggle. Before that..since tool did not complete on Thursday..I was asked to work on the same on Monday as well..while testing environment was down due to data migration. I was loaded with work and Siebel testing team had a good time..no work! Having involved Ila and Sud already so much on Thursday I didnt want to consume their day in something I was assigned to work upon. I had also gained some sense about the approach I was to follow to make the thing work. Thanks to Mori's insight on the query on Thursday evening and discussion with Vibhu later in the night.On the Monday eve..it was a Eureka moment the tool got made..I tested it..it worked fine. I drafted an status email anticpating kind of an 'appreciation'. However I did not get any.
Next day, Tuesday, tough times started. With all the DholakS (singing and poking fucking nose in everything and everytime) and the daunting task for days ahead till today, were a trouble. I was asked to Smoke Test the system plus generate 18 invoices! DholakS as usual didn't have to do anything..at all and they didn't 'do' any either. 5 & 10 DD were done easily and on time before 6:30. With all the invoices remaining to be generated I started working out a 'cycle' so that I used 'Prebilling' lesser number of times. Strategising took a long time and before I could identify the accnounts to include in a cycle or even zero in on accounts, On-shore demanded the status on invoices as they would be running COBRA after a few hours. Hastily I geenrated 2 and used the other 2, generated from the process run earlier in the day. Wednesday's email on Critical path mentioned non-delivery of the said numbber of Invoices from the IDC.
The workload on Tuesday was as much as it used to be when we were team of 8. Probably this was not considered while assigning the task for each day and that's why till yesterday I had 'Everest' to climb alone.
Wednesday and Thurday were some hopeless story, with 16 and 18 to be delivered respecitvely and actual delivery was 11 and 12. On thurday's call I let onshore know about the situation and my points were well taken. It could be my conern for the amount of task assigned and/or Reshma's and Komal's update, to Onshore about my skipping lunch and working late hours to get the invoices done, that I not only got 1/3 of the daily work but also appreciation email! God..I was happy and I thanked Offshore as well as Onshore for recognising my efforts. I am/was happy!
I'll happier if I get rolled off on the scheduled date. God - please make it happpen.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Threefold Dilemma
I start this post being undecisive about the title..maybe I'll find it during the course of this writing. I remeber there are a few posts those are rotting in the 'Draft' folder, unnamed and unpublished. They might have fortune change today..God knows.
I've a lot of things runnning through my mind, probably because a lot has happened, a lot is scheduled to happen and some that I was told, may happen.
I got promoted last week, great! I'm happy but my rating sucks! I didn't slog my ass more than 12 hours a day or 10 months to get a 'CC'. I proabably didn't realize the bad-ness of my rating because it was capsuled in the sweet coating of a promotion and I had no idea of the impact it would be having on the money I would be making. Since I know now, the difference, it troubles me. I didn't get time to talk to my TL and thus, my manager, about this. My TL was not available for past 2 weeks because of ill health of her child, maybe Monday could be the day.
There has been no developments, as such, on my plans of getting transfered to Delhi(as if it is in my hands). This fucking project is getting delayed day by day and so are my transfer processing date.
The other day when I walked up to my manager to ask him to look for a project in Delhi till the time I serve this project, to my surprise, he offered me an onshore oppotunity. I was happy hearing that. I replied with a 'Yes!' the next day, since I asked for a day to ponder over it. The reply I got for an enthusiastic 'Yes!' was a faint 'Ok' and an unconvincing nod. That has got me thinking whether it is a 'lollypop' or something to defer my plans of going to Delhi, or there is actually some opportunity. I hope there should be some. I can't miss going to Delhi though , so, I'm going to ask for a transfer and might go onsite while I'll be Delhi. Sounds great!
I was adviced by a fellow roommate, a techie turned consultant, to hone my (non-existing) skills in Siebel. Being in a testing team, I don't have much exposure to this technology and I've been doing Lodestar testing almost all year around but hearing him say Siebel being a 'Hot Technology' I'm raring to try my hands on it with whatever time I've left in my project.
There is a 'threefold dilemma' though, the onsite opportunity that I mentioned above is in the Lodestar. If I choose to go ahead with Siebel, I might get (huge, as they say) returns in 2 years time but if I choose Lodestar and onsite happens, that would be great. In both of the said scenarios MBA is going to take to a backseat..I don't want that. I love Corporate and I love being a consultant. MBA is the only thing that can help me get that sooner. So, the bettter idea could be that I do nothing but take transfer to Delhi, do what I do i.e. Testing and later take a MBA degree and become a hard core consultant..then I can take as much onshore and as much traveling I want.
Last option sounds perfect keeping current situation develpoing in my hometown. Politics is dirty. Very soon, I hope never, I might be doing something which is not thought of and very different. That time has to decide, right now I won't prefer coming out of my comfort zone. If I'm forced to do so..uncomfort-ability would prevail then, for a long long time.
I've a lot of things runnning through my mind, probably because a lot has happened, a lot is scheduled to happen and some that I was told, may happen.
I got promoted last week, great! I'm happy but my rating sucks! I didn't slog my ass more than 12 hours a day or 10 months to get a 'CC'. I proabably didn't realize the bad-ness of my rating because it was capsuled in the sweet coating of a promotion and I had no idea of the impact it would be having on the money I would be making. Since I know now, the difference, it troubles me. I didn't get time to talk to my TL and thus, my manager, about this. My TL was not available for past 2 weeks because of ill health of her child, maybe Monday could be the day.
There has been no developments, as such, on my plans of getting transfered to Delhi(as if it is in my hands). This fucking project is getting delayed day by day and so are my transfer processing date.
The other day when I walked up to my manager to ask him to look for a project in Delhi till the time I serve this project, to my surprise, he offered me an onshore oppotunity. I was happy hearing that. I replied with a 'Yes!' the next day, since I asked for a day to ponder over it. The reply I got for an enthusiastic 'Yes!' was a faint 'Ok' and an unconvincing nod. That has got me thinking whether it is a 'lollypop' or something to defer my plans of going to Delhi, or there is actually some opportunity. I hope there should be some. I can't miss going to Delhi though , so, I'm going to ask for a transfer and might go onsite while I'll be Delhi. Sounds great!
I was adviced by a fellow roommate, a techie turned consultant, to hone my (non-existing) skills in Siebel. Being in a testing team, I don't have much exposure to this technology and I've been doing Lodestar testing almost all year around but hearing him say Siebel being a 'Hot Technology' I'm raring to try my hands on it with whatever time I've left in my project.
There is a 'threefold dilemma' though, the onsite opportunity that I mentioned above is in the Lodestar. If I choose to go ahead with Siebel, I might get (huge, as they say) returns in 2 years time but if I choose Lodestar and onsite happens, that would be great. In both of the said scenarios MBA is going to take to a backseat..I don't want that. I love Corporate and I love being a consultant. MBA is the only thing that can help me get that sooner. So, the bettter idea could be that I do nothing but take transfer to Delhi, do what I do i.e. Testing and later take a MBA degree and become a hard core consultant..then I can take as much onshore and as much traveling I want.
Last option sounds perfect keeping current situation develpoing in my hometown. Politics is dirty. Very soon, I hope never, I might be doing something which is not thought of and very different. That time has to decide, right now I won't prefer coming out of my comfort zone. If I'm forced to do so..uncomfort-ability would prevail then, for a long long time.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Aamir's jinx
Aamir Khan, Mr. Perfectionist is jinxed and the reason I say/feel/believe so is because of lastest casualty in Leh.
Aamir had shot for his movie Lagaan in some village in Bhuj, Gujarat, India. After the movie was over and gained a massive success over Box Office, the village was struck by 6.9 richter scale earthquake and the village turned into debris. Same happened with Leh, where shoooting for '3 Idiots' took place, because of a recent cloudburst incident, shooting location has been completely wiped off the face of the earth.
These incidents only suggest one thing, if Aamir's movie is a success the shooting locations face the 'burn' of the nature and if unsuccessful, the movie(s) themselves crash.
Aamir had shot for his movie Lagaan in some village in Bhuj, Gujarat, India. After the movie was over and gained a massive success over Box Office, the village was struck by 6.9 richter scale earthquake and the village turned into debris. Same happened with Leh, where shoooting for '3 Idiots' took place, because of a recent cloudburst incident, shooting location has been completely wiped off the face of the earth.
These incidents only suggest one thing, if Aamir's movie is a success the shooting locations face the 'burn' of the nature and if unsuccessful, the movie(s) themselves crash.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Awesome 2008
If someone asks me about the best days of my life till date, for which I have to trade, umm anything, I would tell them 6:00 pm, 30 June,2008 - 9:00 pm..16th Aug 2008.
These days have been the most beautiful and the pleasurable moments of my life.
Neither did I plan to put date and time nor did I remember them until I started working on this post.
6:00 pm 30th June 2008 - It the time when my father bought me the N73 as a birthday present! I still am the proud owner of one. I was so happy to have it, as I'm now. It was my first intro with Symbian, the 3.2 Carl Ziess and a great music player. It had it all. I remember a few days after buying the phone I hopped through the way, from my room to the kitchen and showed the phone to my mother and yelled, 'This is the best thing I ever had, I love it'. I have in my mind, everything, first photograph I clicked, first song I played, bed tea next morning, on July 1st..It is so amazing to relive the moment.
Who says I suck with remembering things. ;)
We made a trip to our native place for my parents' 25th marriage anniversay on 8th July. The trip that mom, bro and I made to reach to the place was as amazing as it could be. It was a awesome train journey during pre monsoon season with little rain all around. I had learnt to drive that time and I drove Indica on the rainy countryside road with the seat pulled up to the stearing! For the occasion, whole family gathered, uncles and aunts and their kids..One helluva time! Countryside looks great during rainy season, of course, when you are not traveling. I have updaloaded some of the snaps I took, on my blog I wrote during that time.
I came back from the trip and it was my birthday on 13th July. I was allowed to drive the car for the first time, after my, much proclaimed, the great car crash. It was fun!
31st July, I sent chocolates to Shukla for the friendship day gift. I had learnt that there would be a solar eclipse at 1 pm and anything done after 1 pm wont be 'successful'. Rana and I rushed to shops and alll to buy gifts and chocolates for her and then mail them. It was 1:15 and I was certain that the gifts were jinxed, but being the believer I'm, I mailed them. I have a feeling that gifts 'worked', but that is to be discussed later. Mail was delivered on the next day i.e. on 4th of Aug or maybe 5th, but never mind, it got delivered and I was a happy man.
I had planned to meet Shukla, the same month(Aug) when she was to be in Delhi,when it rains, just like 'Ted and Robin' in HIMYM. I had wished that it should rain the time when I meet Shukla. The day it was to happen, it rained a lot. I didn't care about the rain, I drove the bike in the stormy rainy road from college to my place without caring about anything but to reach by 5:00 pm because at 6 we had to meet. Rain didn't stop and it was hard to convince parents to allow me to go out to meet a 'friend' while it rained. Shukla too was stuck somewhere, so the plan was called off.
16th Aug, it drizzled that day, roads were quite wet, but it did not rain hard enough. Drizzle counts as rain! right?! There I was at CCD going through the menu to kill some time and that's when Shukla opened the door. - SIGH - Time was good till the time Akhil opened the door again and made the entry. Shukla looked as awesome as ever. I dont have enought words to mentin on this so keeping it short. The meeting got over by some time around 8:30 -9 pm and so is the tale of best days of my life.
Hope to have great time in future. Solar eclipse's jinx seems to be playing to role today. But whatever happens, happens for good. I'm totally over the '10 year' love thing. I see a better future for myself.
These days have been the most beautiful and the pleasurable moments of my life.
Neither did I plan to put date and time nor did I remember them until I started working on this post.
6:00 pm 30th June 2008 - It the time when my father bought me the N73 as a birthday present! I still am the proud owner of one. I was so happy to have it, as I'm now. It was my first intro with Symbian, the 3.2 Carl Ziess and a great music player. It had it all. I remember a few days after buying the phone I hopped through the way, from my room to the kitchen and showed the phone to my mother and yelled, 'This is the best thing I ever had, I love it'. I have in my mind, everything, first photograph I clicked, first song I played, bed tea next morning, on July 1st..It is so amazing to relive the moment.
Who says I suck with remembering things. ;)
We made a trip to our native place for my parents' 25th marriage anniversay on 8th July. The trip that mom, bro and I made to reach to the place was as amazing as it could be. It was a awesome train journey during pre monsoon season with little rain all around. I had learnt to drive that time and I drove Indica on the rainy countryside road with the seat pulled up to the stearing! For the occasion, whole family gathered, uncles and aunts and their kids..One helluva time! Countryside looks great during rainy season, of course, when you are not traveling. I have updaloaded some of the snaps I took, on my blog I wrote during that time.
I came back from the trip and it was my birthday on 13th July. I was allowed to drive the car for the first time, after my, much proclaimed, the great car crash. It was fun!
31st July, I sent chocolates to Shukla for the friendship day gift. I had learnt that there would be a solar eclipse at 1 pm and anything done after 1 pm wont be 'successful'. Rana and I rushed to shops and alll to buy gifts and chocolates for her and then mail them. It was 1:15 and I was certain that the gifts were jinxed, but being the believer I'm, I mailed them. I have a feeling that gifts 'worked', but that is to be discussed later. Mail was delivered on the next day i.e. on 4th of Aug or maybe 5th, but never mind, it got delivered and I was a happy man.
I had planned to meet Shukla, the same month(Aug) when she was to be in Delhi,when it rains, just like 'Ted and Robin' in HIMYM. I had wished that it should rain the time when I meet Shukla. The day it was to happen, it rained a lot. I didn't care about the rain, I drove the bike in the stormy rainy road from college to my place without caring about anything but to reach by 5:00 pm because at 6 we had to meet. Rain didn't stop and it was hard to convince parents to allow me to go out to meet a 'friend' while it rained. Shukla too was stuck somewhere, so the plan was called off.
16th Aug, it drizzled that day, roads were quite wet, but it did not rain hard enough. Drizzle counts as rain! right?! There I was at CCD going through the menu to kill some time and that's when Shukla opened the door. - SIGH - Time was good till the time Akhil opened the door again and made the entry. Shukla looked as awesome as ever. I dont have enought words to mentin on this so keeping it short. The meeting got over by some time around 8:30 -9 pm and so is the tale of best days of my life.
Hope to have great time in future. Solar eclipse's jinx seems to be playing to role today. But whatever happens, happens for good. I'm totally over the '10 year' love thing. I see a better future for myself.
I don't know...but my blog seems to be place where I pen down my frustration.. I don't want to loook at this page 10 years later and feel bad about it..but the problem is, I can't help it. There is an assurance though, a very beautiful thought is running through my head which I'll certainly jot down. Right after this post.
Mori(a code word, of course),the bicth..she is one hell of a girl. Not only she sucks at the job she does..but also she flaunts an attitude and seems to believe she doesn't piss me off. Over acting and over show off, wtf, her voice irritates me. Today she hosted a very flop show. I would say a Saturday wasted, although I had a good evening with some good people whom I met for, as good as, first time. During our lunch session I had came to know to very known fact(intuition). Mori makes inappropriate use of funds meant for underprivileged and buys stuff for herself and her accomplices. It pisses me off big time. The liar and the bitchy Mori is, it reminds me of another bicth about whom I have forgotten about. I was talking about my short lived 'love' life, tough. :)
I hate Mori simple. I wish I could tell her that and stop pretending like a corporate colleague. But it is the fact..In Corporate, You Can't Hate Someone!
P.S. -
1. I have Dholak's snaps, finally, to show to Vibhu.
2. 5 ***** (star) food sucks always..street food rocks!
Mori(a code word, of course),the bicth..she is one hell of a girl. Not only she sucks at the job she does..but also she flaunts an attitude and seems to believe she doesn't piss me off. Over acting and over show off, wtf, her voice irritates me. Today she hosted a very flop show. I would say a Saturday wasted, although I had a good evening with some good people whom I met for, as good as, first time. During our lunch session I had came to know to very known fact(intuition). Mori makes inappropriate use of funds meant for underprivileged and buys stuff for herself and her accomplices. It pisses me off big time. The liar and the bitchy Mori is, it reminds me of another bicth about whom I have forgotten about. I was talking about my short lived 'love' life, tough. :)
I hate Mori simple. I wish I could tell her that and stop pretending like a corporate colleague. But it is the fact..In Corporate, You Can't Hate Someone!
P.S. -
1. I have Dholak's snaps, finally, to show to Vibhu.
2. 5 ***** (star) food sucks always..street food rocks!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Sunday, 06_20_2010
These days..I'm scouting for funds...lot of things run through my mind. It seems trade off every where. God! had I been attentive to ....Ohh Crap! I dont even remember the subjects name now. Well the whole point was had I been attentive, I would have found a more suitable, 'optimization point' than some mediocre intuition based solution to all the 'multi-dilemma'.
I have to move to some other place cheaper but gotta be better or of same standard, to the least. Bombay is cruel. It's costly.
To move or not to move is a big time question at the moment. Should we adjust and bring in one ore guy or should we move to a new flat(thinking). Moving doesn't seem to be a smart idea. Our ex room mate Karthik, moved out at a very wrong/right time. Wrong time for us, right time for his career. He went out to pursue his MBA degree from IIFT.
That reminds me, even I think of doing it someday. MBA done now is a better prospect than doing in some later years. I should gear up too. But the question is where is the zeal? With a recently revived, long lost passion, A-A-A-bh-bh-bhi- A-A-A-bh-bh-bhi..I guess EOD I would be left with ghanta to go ahead and study. To add to the spoilers' list I have rain here. Idea(MBA) postponed for a day.
Nothing substantial to write at the moment. I had not been keeping well, courtesy, Mori's deadly virus and my weak immunity. I'm better now and I better get some breakfast. I'm hungry dude, my stomach is calling!
Gotta go..bye
BTW..check out this site if you fancy dicks.. ha ha..[This is an desperate attempt to avoid chinki porno links in my comments section]
I have to move to some other place cheaper but gotta be better or of same standard, to the least. Bombay is cruel. It's costly.
To move or not to move is a big time question at the moment. Should we adjust and bring in one ore guy or should we move to a new flat(thinking). Moving doesn't seem to be a smart idea. Our ex room mate Karthik, moved out at a very wrong/right time. Wrong time for us, right time for his career. He went out to pursue his MBA degree from IIFT.
That reminds me, even I think of doing it someday. MBA done now is a better prospect than doing in some later years. I should gear up too. But the question is where is the zeal? With a recently revived, long lost passion, A-A-A-bh-bh-bhi- A-A-A-bh-bh-bhi..I guess EOD I would be left with ghanta to go ahead and study. To add to the spoilers' list I have rain here. Idea(MBA) postponed for a day.
Nothing substantial to write at the moment. I had not been keeping well, courtesy, Mori's deadly virus and my weak immunity. I'm better now and I better get some breakfast. I'm hungry dude, my stomach is calling!
Gotta go..bye
BTW..check out this site if you fancy dicks.. ha ha..[This is an desperate attempt to avoid chinki porno links in my comments section]
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Ohh my 'Resource'
Had 'Team Working' course..and I met the most beautiful girl named [.........], the resource. UFA of course, very much like Soni in college! Ohh my resource! It's pleasure remembering her. Vikhroli office had never looked so beautiful as today, given the fact that today is saturday! Awesome could be only used to insult her beauty. English would need to develop a few more words to praise her appropriately. The only sad part was she was not in my team, but the leader of other team, which I, acting as Lead, defeated. Sweet victory though ;) ..I wish I could see her again. I want Vikhroli office badly..Please God rain..rain..rain more so that we go on BCP and I get a chance to work from Vikhroli.
I didn't learn much, not because I didnt pay heed but because I'm born manager. Engineering was never my thing, I see things I dont 'do' them! I'm a planning guy, consultant. No quatative deadlines on webpage for accomplishing goals, it will be present in back of my mind. [This para was quite inspired by DORK, it'll most likely be on top on my mind for quite a long time].
I love you Resource!
A-6 was also seen in the office..ohh fair lady! You looked awesome! I should have talked to you..simple 'Hi' sucks! :(
There is a big 'kela' story that took place in flight back to Bombay from Delhi..I should not mention this 'jhaantu' story but I got to. Before I mention that I need 'buddhe baba ka addha'.
Yup, back! played 'Bagpiper' instead, 'buddhe baba' on hold till Monday. So back to the story, Flight IC 7__ Delhi to Bombay, seat no. 14 C. Although I had asked for 'window seat off the wings' I was given aisle. I didn't want aisle, rubbing my shoulder against Aunty's in Air India. But this has already been printed on the boarding pass..I had no option. Carrying overgrown bag filled with SoanPapdi, books, clothes and misc. items I entered the plane. BTW AI planes rock! yes they charge more but they serve you well with great 'boot space'. I saw one 'hot stuff' on one seat. From the gate to the seat I was wishing that I should be seated next to the hottie. But as always, katt gaya. One aunty was my neighbour. Once I found my seat I had trouble big tym to out my bag somewhere. Having arrived late all the luggage carriers were full. To my surprise hottie got up and adjusted two heavy bags to make room for my bag. Later she asked aunty to switch seat and then she came seated next to me! Oh My God!! This was the day I had been dreaming, Hottie next to me. Never never never in the history of my flying I had been awarded that seat. I was only made to sit against farting fat asses or grown ups with silly gadgets, I guess, laptops. Tue, 1st June is the date world! But I dont know what happened, my throat choked or what I could not speak a word but a lame 'Hi', 'Yes', 'Ohh I thought.........' wtf!! The barrier between us, the armrest, I moved it on her request, but that was it! WTF! I was rather engrossed in watching 'London Dreams' being ignorant to dream of my life! I now feel that i should have started the conversation but that just did not seem to happen! I dont know what went wrong. Once I reached Bombay I found that the bags she removed to make a space for mine did not belong to her at all! Clear chance dude! I feel. I feel sulky feeling of it and I think I better not think about it anymore. Let bygone be bygone.
I love you Resource.
P.S. : According to Namit, every girl in Pune is 'available'. For clarifications contact him. ;)
I didn't learn much, not because I didnt pay heed but because I'm born manager. Engineering was never my thing, I see things I dont 'do' them! I'm a planning guy, consultant. No quatative deadlines on webpage for accomplishing goals, it will be present in back of my mind. [This para was quite inspired by DORK, it'll most likely be on top on my mind for quite a long time].
I love you Resource!
A-6 was also seen in the office..ohh fair lady! You looked awesome! I should have talked to you..simple 'Hi' sucks! :(
There is a big 'kela' story that took place in flight back to Bombay from Delhi..I should not mention this 'jhaantu' story but I got to. Before I mention that I need 'buddhe baba ka addha'.
Yup, back! played 'Bagpiper' instead, 'buddhe baba' on hold till Monday. So back to the story, Flight IC 7__ Delhi to Bombay, seat no. 14 C. Although I had asked for 'window seat off the wings' I was given aisle. I didn't want aisle, rubbing my shoulder against Aunty's in Air India. But this has already been printed on the boarding pass..I had no option. Carrying overgrown bag filled with SoanPapdi, books, clothes and misc. items I entered the plane. BTW AI planes rock! yes they charge more but they serve you well with great 'boot space'. I saw one 'hot stuff' on one seat. From the gate to the seat I was wishing that I should be seated next to the hottie. But as always, katt gaya. One aunty was my neighbour. Once I found my seat I had trouble big tym to out my bag somewhere. Having arrived late all the luggage carriers were full. To my surprise hottie got up and adjusted two heavy bags to make room for my bag. Later she asked aunty to switch seat and then she came seated next to me! Oh My God!! This was the day I had been dreaming, Hottie next to me. Never never never in the history of my flying I had been awarded that seat. I was only made to sit against farting fat asses or grown ups with silly gadgets, I guess, laptops. Tue, 1st June is the date world! But I dont know what happened, my throat choked or what I could not speak a word but a lame 'Hi', 'Yes', 'Ohh I thought.........' wtf!! The barrier between us, the armrest, I moved it on her request, but that was it! WTF! I was rather engrossed in watching 'London Dreams' being ignorant to dream of my life! I now feel that i should have started the conversation but that just did not seem to happen! I dont know what went wrong. Once I reached Bombay I found that the bags she removed to make a space for mine did not belong to her at all! Clear chance dude! I feel. I feel sulky feeling of it and I think I better not think about it anymore. Let bygone be bygone.
I love you Resource.
P.S. : According to Namit, every girl in Pune is 'available'. For clarifications contact him. ;)
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Mid day thoughts
Listened to Anil Gupta, IIMA prof @TED -----> IIMA website! I wish to be there. It has the same building structure as of JIITU. This place is bound to be awesome! I feel ;) .. BTW I think I should forward this link to SG. I'll probably drop him a mail, someday (thinking).
I'm exploiting this space more than ever and not for an 'appropriate' use. Twitter is perfect for post of this size. But I feel the need to reiterate this fact(to myself) that I don't like Twitter, for it has not so appealing UI and for the reason that I don't to feed people with my stuff rather, I want them to take trouble of getting to my page to get my thing!
This 'Cham-Cham' song from the movie 'Striker' is too good! One of the very few songs that I like, of Sonu Nigam's voice.
I'll prepare Aaloo ki sabzi, poori/paratha would be decided later. I'm starved for more than 24 hours. I need food.
One one liner by an inventor from Bihar - 'meri bekrari ne mujhe avishari bana diya' ****** awesome!!
I'm exploiting this space more than ever and not for an 'appropriate' use. Twitter is perfect for post of this size. But I feel the need to reiterate this fact(to myself) that I don't like Twitter, for it has not so appealing UI and for the reason that I don't to feed people with my stuff rather, I want them to take trouble of getting to my page to get my thing!
This 'Cham-Cham' song from the movie 'Striker' is too good! One of the very few songs that I like, of Sonu Nigam's voice.
I'll prepare Aaloo ki sabzi, poori/paratha would be decided later. I'm starved for more than 24 hours. I need food.
One one liner by an inventor from Bihar - 'meri bekrari ne mujhe avishari bana diya' ****** awesome!!
I'm done with 'DORK'..this could have better been a tweet, but Twitter seems so boring!
I wish I had Blackberry like 'Einstien' had, to do more of tweeting and limiting my ideas to 140 charaters.
Twitter has lately become one helluva cool stuff, that I have heard about since blogging.
It is 1:55 am already and I'm feeling sleepy...Ohh yes! sleepy as hell, but I do wish to write a lot. Short posts are not my thing.
Although it is 16th now, 15th May will be a memorable day for me and others in our team(Testing). Not because something special happened on this day but because something ended on 14th. Dholak Raj is over! Dholak(another DORK) was our acting TL for a week! Thank GOD this week had 5 working days only. For the first two days she landed into altercation(in the bay! wtf) while she tried to boss around. Other days went by, like..umm..OK. She is ________ and a total lame unprofessional fat ass. Her IQ, I guess, is -473.60000000000000. She won't accept other's view point, won't let them say even. I'm feeling shivers thinking of her at this moment. NOTHING about her is GOOD. I would have better not put this here. But I sincerely love hating her.
I would let Lord know of all the wrong doings of Dholak in the past week, while Dholak does what she always does, talk shit to Lord. Monday 17th would be awesome because:
a) Lord would be back.
b) I'll have more Dholak stories, about Dholak complaining to Lord about our 'misconducts'.
Good news to all..I might land in Delhi next weekend! Awesome! I hope Lord will allow me to have my time.
P.S. : Expecting comments in the language I don't understand!! Akhil enjoys those comments more than anyone else. It saves him from lot of 'search' troubles! He he.
I wish I had Blackberry like 'Einstien' had, to do more of tweeting and limiting my ideas to 140 charaters.
Twitter has lately become one helluva cool stuff, that I have heard about since blogging.
It is 1:55 am already and I'm feeling sleepy...Ohh yes! sleepy as hell, but I do wish to write a lot. Short posts are not my thing.
Although it is 16th now, 15th May will be a memorable day for me and others in our team(Testing). Not because something special happened on this day but because something ended on 14th. Dholak Raj is over! Dholak(another DORK) was our acting TL for a week! Thank GOD this week had 5 working days only. For the first two days she landed into altercation(in the bay! wtf) while she tried to boss around. Other days went by, like..umm..OK. She is ________ and a total lame unprofessional fat ass. Her IQ, I guess, is -473.60000000000000. She won't accept other's view point, won't let them say even. I'm feeling shivers thinking of her at this moment. NOTHING about her is GOOD. I would have better not put this here. But I sincerely love hating her.
I would let Lord know of all the wrong doings of Dholak in the past week, while Dholak does what she always does, talk shit to Lord. Monday 17th would be awesome because:
a) Lord would be back.
b) I'll have more Dholak stories, about Dholak complaining to Lord about our 'misconducts'.
Good news to all..I might land in Delhi next weekend! Awesome! I hope Lord will allow me to have my time.
P.S. : Expecting comments in the language I don't understand!! Akhil enjoys those comments more than anyone else. It saves him from lot of 'search' troubles! He he.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Tatas and Birlas were once synonyms of money and wealth. Now their positions is enjoyed by new lines of khandaan like Ambanis and Mittals, as in, Lakshmi Mittal.
I'm going through the 'DORK' again. 'Einstien' is me, we think alike, we do the same. My only fear is him being 'dork'. But a genius 'dork', I won't mind being that. ;)
I'm hungry, today was Lactose ONLY day. 1 ltr milk and 400 gms curd have been my meal since afternooon 2 pm, it was the time I got up.
I slept at 7 am after calling dad about my last night's escapades and adventures. I called him with a plan too, to wake him up with an early morning call and surprise him. Last night I was in a 'party' mood after hearing a news that Vibhu, my room mate has won a prize in a photgraphy competition. I had ordered 3 tandoori murgi, roasted chicken, full, for us. When the delivery did not come after an hour, I called up the guy only to be told that delivery wont be possible as he has ran out of stock. Bloody bastard! I had cursed him without yielding any result. Vibhu and I then set out to look for chicken. Gravy is not our liking. We wanted stuff. Just the CHICKEN. Our search took us to 'Kebab corner'. That guy delivers some real shit. Yesterday was no different. Chicken was a totally burnt, turn off. I guess the meat was old too, already dried to fall into pieces. A session of it with tandoor was enough to kill the taste. At 3 am, having watched the Aus vs Pak match, and surfed through all available channels on the TV, twice! out of boredom Vibhu prepared tea and I prepared awesome omelette. Reicpe was quite simple for the omelette. Butter in pan, eggs beaten properly, with a pinch of salt. That's it. Once done, I showered it with black pepper powder. It tasted awesome. After savouring the tea and omelette we passed some more time watching 'Destroyed in seconds' on Discovery channel. By 4:30 am, we were convinced that we needed to breath some fresh air of Aarey colony and adjoining jungle. By 4:45 am we were set to roll. We picked bike once again and zoooomed on the road to the max possible speed, I guess 90 km/hr, to our destination. I switched off the headlight momentarily and intermittently during our ride through dark jungle road.
Scary, awesome and most wonderful experience! Next time, we might cross the stretch at 3 am so that no morning walkers are around to worry about. We have also decided to walk through it once it rains here in Bombay. We will surely get to hear sounds from seasonal streams and crickets and other jungle insects. Also with a possibility of a ghostly experience in dark, I can't wait for rains to drench Bombay.
After we came from jungle, the National park, we went for a morning walk, after, I guess, 3-4 months! It was awesome. We were done with our experimenting, finally, by 7 am, that's when I decided to give a call to dad and let him know of my 'night out'.
I wish it rains soon!
I'm going through the 'DORK' again. 'Einstien' is me, we think alike, we do the same. My only fear is him being 'dork'. But a genius 'dork', I won't mind being that. ;)
I'm hungry, today was Lactose ONLY day. 1 ltr milk and 400 gms curd have been my meal since afternooon 2 pm, it was the time I got up.
I slept at 7 am after calling dad about my last night's escapades and adventures. I called him with a plan too, to wake him up with an early morning call and surprise him. Last night I was in a 'party' mood after hearing a news that Vibhu, my room mate has won a prize in a photgraphy competition. I had ordered 3 tandoori murgi, roasted chicken, full, for us. When the delivery did not come after an hour, I called up the guy only to be told that delivery wont be possible as he has ran out of stock. Bloody bastard! I had cursed him without yielding any result. Vibhu and I then set out to look for chicken. Gravy is not our liking. We wanted stuff. Just the CHICKEN. Our search took us to 'Kebab corner'. That guy delivers some real shit. Yesterday was no different. Chicken was a totally burnt, turn off. I guess the meat was old too, already dried to fall into pieces. A session of it with tandoor was enough to kill the taste. At 3 am, having watched the Aus vs Pak match, and surfed through all available channels on the TV, twice! out of boredom Vibhu prepared tea and I prepared awesome omelette. Reicpe was quite simple for the omelette. Butter in pan, eggs beaten properly, with a pinch of salt. That's it. Once done, I showered it with black pepper powder. It tasted awesome. After savouring the tea and omelette we passed some more time watching 'Destroyed in seconds' on Discovery channel. By 4:30 am, we were convinced that we needed to breath some fresh air of Aarey colony and adjoining jungle. By 4:45 am we were set to roll. We picked bike once again and zoooomed on the road to the max possible speed, I guess 90 km/hr, to our destination. I switched off the headlight momentarily and intermittently during our ride through dark jungle road.
Scary, awesome and most wonderful experience! Next time, we might cross the stretch at 3 am so that no morning walkers are around to worry about. We have also decided to walk through it once it rains here in Bombay. We will surely get to hear sounds from seasonal streams and crickets and other jungle insects. Also with a possibility of a ghostly experience in dark, I can't wait for rains to drench Bombay.
After we came from jungle, the National park, we went for a morning walk, after, I guess, 3-4 months! It was awesome. We were done with our experimenting, finally, by 7 am, that's when I decided to give a call to dad and let him know of my 'night out'.
I wish it rains soon!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Love @ Doggy style
We both loved each other!
We both loved each other!
She was a btich to me. I was dog to her.*
*Any use of this line will need a written permission from me.
*Any use of this line will need a written permission from me.
I can't complain about not having proper internet and not having time. I have everything here, Bombay left me with no choice but to use this space to the fullest. So, I feel, that is the reason this place has been explored by me more, quite recently though.
This one is about the train journey on my way back from Delhi to Bombay. I had some issues with passport and to sort that out I had gone to Delhi on 21st Jan. While I was returning, on 25th noon somewhere near Jaipur area, train's engine went down. It could not generate enough power to pull the train. Since train had halted for quite a long time, I decided to get down the train to roam around. I walked up to the engine, nearly dead engine making 'growling' sound fascinated me more than anything till date! I could sense the power, the majesty. Awesome! I instantly fell in love with train engines!
I have always loved trains. I dreamt of being train driver as a kid, having grown a bit to have some monetary sense I dreamt bigger, to become a TTE, he he. Life took a turn I ended up being an computer engineer.
Knowing the fact that engine and therefore the train will not move I moved to track to have the front view. I was afraid, I felt the shiver, while standing in front of the train. The pattern of sound the engine made had scared the hell out of me, when I heard it for the first time. I was busy in some chitchat with the train driver about the engine and 'navigating' the train, I saw a train coming from the other side. There was not much of a distance between two tracks i.e. between our train and the approcahing train on the other track. I walked midway between two tracks. Train was coming at super awesome speed from other side. I freezed to my place. Seeing me there, I heard a people shouting of course thinking that I'm on a suicide 'mission', "You are way to close to the track, step back, moving trains pull you towards themselves". Although I heard them, I had no sense to respond, either by action or by words. I was still for next 2-3 seconds since the time train crossed me, I guess firstly surprised of the fact that I was not pulled by the train, I had proved people wrong and secondly, the speed and the aura of the moving train had still kept me spell bounded.
After a wait to another half an hour another engine came and we started with our journey.
I had forgotten of this thing until today, when I saw crow trying to perch on a steel bar of a pillar of some 'Metro train' work in Andheri area.
While I have typed this 'Aadat' by Atif baba has played, if I'm not wrong, 7 times. Thanks to Gauri for providing this song through some 'fileshare' mechanism, which I need to learn. I'll be drafting a, I believe, unique idea in another post after this one. It's one hell of a one liner. You'll love me and my creatvity after going through it, I bet!
This one is about the train journey on my way back from Delhi to Bombay. I had some issues with passport and to sort that out I had gone to Delhi on 21st Jan. While I was returning, on 25th noon somewhere near Jaipur area, train's engine went down. It could not generate enough power to pull the train. Since train had halted for quite a long time, I decided to get down the train to roam around. I walked up to the engine, nearly dead engine making 'growling' sound fascinated me more than anything till date! I could sense the power, the majesty. Awesome! I instantly fell in love with train engines!
I have always loved trains. I dreamt of being train driver as a kid, having grown a bit to have some monetary sense I dreamt bigger, to become a TTE, he he. Life took a turn I ended up being an computer engineer.
Knowing the fact that engine and therefore the train will not move I moved to track to have the front view. I was afraid, I felt the shiver, while standing in front of the train. The pattern of sound the engine made had scared the hell out of me, when I heard it for the first time. I was busy in some chitchat with the train driver about the engine and 'navigating' the train, I saw a train coming from the other side. There was not much of a distance between two tracks i.e. between our train and the approcahing train on the other track. I walked midway between two tracks. Train was coming at super awesome speed from other side. I freezed to my place. Seeing me there, I heard a people shouting of course thinking that I'm on a suicide 'mission', "You are way to close to the track, step back, moving trains pull you towards themselves". Although I heard them, I had no sense to respond, either by action or by words. I was still for next 2-3 seconds since the time train crossed me, I guess firstly surprised of the fact that I was not pulled by the train, I had proved people wrong and secondly, the speed and the aura of the moving train had still kept me spell bounded.
After a wait to another half an hour another engine came and we started with our journey.
I had forgotten of this thing until today, when I saw crow trying to perch on a steel bar of a pillar of some 'Metro train' work in Andheri area.
While I have typed this 'Aadat' by Atif baba has played, if I'm not wrong, 7 times. Thanks to Gauri for providing this song through some 'fileshare' mechanism, which I need to learn. I'll be drafting a, I believe, unique idea in another post after this one. It's one hell of a one liner. You'll love me and my creatvity after going through it, I bet!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
10 to 12 or 10 already!
While I bend a bit to pick my laptop I looked at my analog watch, which has hands(hours and minutes and seconds)! One of which was pointing to 10 and other at 12. Seeing that I had nothing to say but yell, WHAT THE FUCK!! "12 noon already! I got up at 9 when dad called and where the hell did I spend my 3 hours!?" These were the thoughts that ran through my mind in 1 sec gap after which I had checked my mobile phone's watch which showed accurate 10:00 ...Ohh, such a relieved man I'm.
BTW I'm still on the 'uphill' task of finishing the book. I plan to start another by today. One by 'Paulo Coelho'. I also have to attend Mohan Baba's session..Prioritize dude!
Before I close, one, rather two, random thoughts:
1. The Cockroach story : An intelligent person responds, a fool reacts.(Courtesy: mail forwarded by Dholak and written by some Shinde)
2. Target should be about what we must do and not about what we can do! (Courtesy: DORK)
Plan for the morning walk at 5:30 am in Aarey colony could not be implemented. Shit!
BTW I'm still on the 'uphill' task of finishing the book. I plan to start another by today. One by 'Paulo Coelho'. I also have to attend Mohan Baba's session..Prioritize dude!
Before I close, one, rather two, random thoughts:
1. The Cockroach story : An intelligent person responds, a fool reacts.(Courtesy: mail forwarded by Dholak and written by some Shinde)
2. Target should be about what we must do and not about what we can do! (Courtesy: DORK)
Plan for the morning walk at 5:30 am in Aarey colony could not be implemented. Shit!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Having watched TV for good 6 hours, ever since I woke up because of crappy dreams of projects and reports and scary things of all sorts, I chose to read a book named 'DORK' by Sidin Vadukut. Gosh!! I have barely reached till page 104 and I feel robbed of the ideas that I had thought of and was suppose to put in the book I would have authored, once I roll out of the alma mater of the author mentioned. Whether it is the idea of 'false' laughter, cool company life or reimbursemnets and expenses or the ultra cool unique fantasy of animal sex under the table in a room brought down by an earthquake or getting job on Day zero, alas! they are all gone.
I have been fanatsizing this cool animal love since the time I had attained puberty. I understand this is way too personal detail but I wont mind sharing it, schools' faculty was the fuel! About the 'fake and mechanical' yet cool life in IT I had points to mention but I guess Sidin did a good job for now. I hope once I'm out of the same elite institute I should be able to do better. About the job at day zero, we both scored it, while Sidin opted for it, I kicked with 'certainty' the Titan's unCertain asS to join bigger and better company instead. I'll never join those bunch of idiots(sarkari babus) there, ever.
Whoa whoa whoa! I gotta mention this, I do the reporting to Aamiya, an onshore girl, name of course derived from the way Dholak calls it. Ha ha, Dholak can be found in every walk of life(life of this project). Ohh yes, reporting, so this reporting happens with true intent to follow company's policy, of delivering bad news upfront, in the same manner our 'Einstien' is doing in the book.
This book has provided a good, cool read. I'm half way through and while I read I had in my mind to beat Karthik's record who had finished reading the same book in 6 hours. To reach the half of it, I guess I took 4 hours..I need to do more work on my reading speed and use 'speed reading' practice instead. I have a start now, I dont know how far I can stretch it!? God knows!
Good night India.
I have been fanatsizing this cool animal love since the time I had attained puberty. I understand this is way too personal detail but I wont mind sharing it, schools' faculty was the fuel! About the 'fake and mechanical' yet cool life in IT I had points to mention but I guess Sidin did a good job for now. I hope once I'm out of the same elite institute I should be able to do better. About the job at day zero, we both scored it, while Sidin opted for it, I kicked with 'certainty' the Titan's unCertain asS to join bigger and better company instead. I'll never join those bunch of idiots(sarkari babus) there, ever.
Whoa whoa whoa! I gotta mention this, I do the reporting to Aamiya, an onshore girl, name of course derived from the way Dholak calls it. Ha ha, Dholak can be found in every walk of life(life of this project). Ohh yes, reporting, so this reporting happens with true intent to follow company's policy, of delivering bad news upfront, in the same manner our 'Einstien' is doing in the book.
This book has provided a good, cool read. I'm half way through and while I read I had in my mind to beat Karthik's record who had finished reading the same book in 6 hours. To reach the half of it, I guess I took 4 hours..I need to do more work on my reading speed and use 'speed reading' practice instead. I have a start now, I dont know how far I can stretch it!? God knows!
Good night India.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Sunday 05_02_2010
Precisely 10:45 am , Bombay city of a state Maharashtra, India, I sit and think what to write at this very moment. While I scout for topics, million thoughts run through my mind and a few sound through my ears. Sounds of songs from movie 'Raavan' playing on my lappy and from some renovation work in the neighbourhood, both seems alike, pain to ears.
Since sun is still not at its shortest distance from the equator on this longitude that passes through the city, my day has not 'started'.
Past week seemed to be awesome and indeed, it was awesome. I have attended two parties, one celebration and received a couple of appreciation mails and nice awesome feedback. I dont remember any week had been this awesome ever. A few turn off did happen, that is part of life and I guess I'm attuned to it now. I can't let AweEng girl bug me any more, she has been a grinch for past decade or so. Hmm, back to happy times. I had my stint with beer for the first time at one of the party. I had heard stories about it being bitter, but the party mood was compelling enough to overcome my fear and had a taste of it. The first gulp, made me feel good, though it was bitter. I had another pint and that was it. I wished to have more but seeing people loose sense over booze, putting break on drinking spree seems a wise decision. Party was fun, I had fun to act like a monkey! I'm good with this ancestoral stuff. I had accolades for that. Once the party was over I had task to take two completely 'out' 'compadre' to their places. One of them had grown aggressive, but lemon juice helped and we reached to the place without much of a trouble. I had chance to sleep in AC after 8 months! Thanks to very resourceful Adi sir.
We had another celebration for meeting our stiff and aggressive target. Many thanks to Amma, Lord and other babas and particularly LKRs. I might be assigned a different task from tomorrow onwards but I'm ok with the new challenges.
Yesterday I went to Colaba again, this seems to be my second house in city of Bombay! I'm insisting on this word Bombay more becauseI'm not a regional fanatic nor do I like others to be one. Yesterday was Maharashtra's 50th formation year! Great! But what pissed and always pisses me off is the fact that here there is too much of regionalism. I fail to remember people from any other state hailing theirs' and themselves like shitheads here. 'Jai Maharashtra', what the fuck! While I walked with Namit, along walkway at Marine drive, manoos(es) were celebrating in some hole and their voices were telecasted, much to my annoyance and to many others, I believe, all along the golden necklace. One fuckface delivering speech yelled, 'Mumbai fakt Maharashtranchi' translated, it means, Bombay belongs to Maharashtra only(and manooses). I guess any body having infinitesimal knowledge of geography and India would know this basic fact and for the 'only' thing, my response would be 'Eat shit'. I see no reason to reiterate the fact but to piss off a few like me and cheer double digit crore manoos. I do give a damn to these shitheads.
We went to Gateway Of India to meet one of Namit's friend, Neeraj. Neeraj and I had 'Chicken malai roll' at Gokul's Healthy bite, it sucked, yuck. We came back by 1 am.
Namit has left today andI'm lying here typing for good 45 minutes. I gotta be ready to start binging. Good day all and good health to fucking liar(grinch, of course).
Since sun is still not at its shortest distance from the equator on this longitude that passes through the city, my day has not 'started'.
Past week seemed to be awesome and indeed, it was awesome. I have attended two parties, one celebration and received a couple of appreciation mails and nice awesome feedback. I dont remember any week had been this awesome ever. A few turn off did happen, that is part of life and I guess I'm attuned to it now. I can't let AweEng girl bug me any more, she has been a grinch for past decade or so. Hmm, back to happy times. I had my stint with beer for the first time at one of the party. I had heard stories about it being bitter, but the party mood was compelling enough to overcome my fear and had a taste of it. The first gulp, made me feel good, though it was bitter. I had another pint and that was it. I wished to have more but seeing people loose sense over booze, putting break on drinking spree seems a wise decision. Party was fun, I had fun to act like a monkey! I'm good with this ancestoral stuff. I had accolades for that. Once the party was over I had task to take two completely 'out' 'compadre' to their places. One of them had grown aggressive, but lemon juice helped and we reached to the place without much of a trouble. I had chance to sleep in AC after 8 months! Thanks to very resourceful Adi sir.
We had another celebration for meeting our stiff and aggressive target. Many thanks to Amma, Lord and other babas and particularly LKRs. I might be assigned a different task from tomorrow onwards but I'm ok with the new challenges.
Yesterday I went to Colaba again, this seems to be my second house in city of Bombay! I'm insisting on this word Bombay more becauseI'm not a regional fanatic nor do I like others to be one. Yesterday was Maharashtra's 50th formation year! Great! But what pissed and always pisses me off is the fact that here there is too much of regionalism. I fail to remember people from any other state hailing theirs' and themselves like shitheads here. 'Jai Maharashtra', what the fuck! While I walked with Namit, along walkway at Marine drive, manoos(es) were celebrating in some hole and their voices were telecasted, much to my annoyance and to many others, I believe, all along the golden necklace. One fuckface delivering speech yelled, 'Mumbai fakt Maharashtranchi' translated, it means, Bombay belongs to Maharashtra only(and manooses). I guess any body having infinitesimal knowledge of geography and India would know this basic fact and for the 'only' thing, my response would be 'Eat shit'. I see no reason to reiterate the fact but to piss off a few like me and cheer double digit crore manoos. I do give a damn to these shitheads.
We went to Gateway Of India to meet one of Namit's friend, Neeraj. Neeraj and I had 'Chicken malai roll' at Gokul's Healthy bite, it sucked, yuck. We came back by 1 am.
Namit has left today andI'm lying here typing for good 45 minutes. I gotta be ready to start binging. Good day all and good health to fucking liar(grinch, of course).
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Radhey Guru Maa

What a name! So divine..So pure and indeed it has very much to do with the appearance. Look at the stunning beautiful product of 'Indian Baba Factory'. I don't care whether she has undergone some plastic sugeries and face upliftment and other procedures, she is hot!
The first time I saw her hoarding, on my way back from offfice, near Andheri station, jaws dropped! More so on finding the name her contact person..Talli baba. Super fundoo!
I'm dying to meet her.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
I guess being outcasts is the fortune of tester, or probably my current work is the one making me believe this. Being cursed for asking (same) doubts, as they say, we refrain ourselves from going to them.
Brimming with anger at the response I get, I can totally send Tonsil girl's face flying into pieces with a knock.
Fuck!! but that's not how thing works. It's a professional world. Things are to be done with hell lot of mannerism. One can't be rowdy. That's what I don't like. I have issues, how to ask them with a smile on my face while my intention is to screw them all big time is what I have to learn. I'm not good at it and I'm a bad learner at picking up these 'smart' tricks.
This is yesterday's tale, having received a blunt reply from the 'poop scoop' I was filled with anger. I was staring at my monitor, without idea what I was looking to, Sud sir came by and said..'Abhi sun k le ye sab..bas yaad rakh usne jo bola. Unko unki aukaat dikhani hai'. Jha girl came along sir , she also chipped in..'yaar tu jo udhar sunta hai..udhar hi chhod k aa'. She had a valid point.
I'm still pissed with the poop show but yes I need to fuck them with my scripts. I won't be a self proclaimed 'outcast' any more!
Brimming with anger at the response I get, I can totally send Tonsil girl's face flying into pieces with a knock.
Fuck!! but that's not how thing works. It's a professional world. Things are to be done with hell lot of mannerism. One can't be rowdy. That's what I don't like. I have issues, how to ask them with a smile on my face while my intention is to screw them all big time is what I have to learn. I'm not good at it and I'm a bad learner at picking up these 'smart' tricks.
This is yesterday's tale, having received a blunt reply from the 'poop scoop' I was filled with anger. I was staring at my monitor, without idea what I was looking to, Sud sir came by and said..'Abhi sun k le ye sab..bas yaad rakh usne jo bola. Unko unki aukaat dikhani hai'. Jha girl came along sir , she also chipped in..'yaar tu jo udhar sunta hai..udhar hi chhod k aa'. She had a valid point.
I'm still pissed with the poop show but yes I need to fuck them with my scripts. I won't be a self proclaimed 'outcast' any more!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Being unproductive
I wish I had noted down my thoughts at soem place so that I did not have to ponder over the topics I should write once I landed up this page. Since I have landed up and I have to write something..how about my day at office!? Idea does not seem so bad!
Any day in office can't be complete without Dholak's story. Dholak is one fat ass dumbo(thus named Dholak by me) who by designation is senior to me but in brains a nursery kid might be a good contender for her. She comes to office for 2 reasons only. First being to pee and secondly to piss off everybody else in the team but one, retard overacting Cutie, the beauty.All the time I had heard stories about her missing hours and her awesome English language. Although Dholak deserves far more words for desciption going by her size(figure) and magnitude of 'work' she does, I'm sorry but I have other less important people to discuss. Basanti, the attitude girl has 2 Dhanno and 2 Dhanna(stallion). Our TL has been rechristend as the Lord, btw. She is the best TL I have ever seen, as said by Jha girl and I'm in full agreement to it. Today Badey papa, us(the L* guys), Basanti and Lord had come to the bay and we had a discussion over our binary count performance. Basanti as expected showed full attitude and gave me some tips on common sense, which according to Dhanno 1, I'm lacking. Lord did not contribute much to the discussion, she is not well actually. We reached to conclusion in a cool and calm way. I had thought it would be one hell of a 'war'. I'm learning the art of negotiation I guess.
We had some server issue in phoren land, so we had not work. What could have been done was not done. I don't the reason. Time in the office passes like anything. I fail to remember the time spent in various activities in office. I do have lots of work and at the end of the day I don't have any work to show. This is a mystery.
Carnival is being planned out next Friday! Quite surprisingly I'm in. Penguin girl persuaded enough to convince me to take part. Fashion show!! dude!! C'mon man! Alright..yes I'm in, I said.
Let's see how it goes..there is an audition(prelims) to be cleared. One of the judges is also a participant from out team, so audition should be a cakewalk[and a catwalk ;) ].
My end of the day was awesome as well as awful. While I was playing catch-catch with Cutie the beauty, my wrong throw brought Lord Ganpati down from Jha girl's monitor. Shaken and shocked I said sorry to Jha girl first and then to Lord Ganpati. Dholak was in the call with Amma. After the 'disaster' i.e. seeing Ganpati fall, there was a 'chaos' and Dholak missed some key points from the call, which she was anyways not paying heed to. After the call was over Cutie walked up to Dholak, asking "Is the call over?". This triggered Dholak's accusition salvo. Though she loooked at her pet, Cutie her accusitions and complaints were directed to me. A bit was directed towards to Jha girl too. She retaliated quickly and strongly, to which Dholak had no answer. While Dholak, the jackass was shouting(in the bay) I moved to one corner with my partner L* master, savouring 5 star we received as a treat. Having pissed big time, L* master, Jha girl and I moved to cafe to curse Dholak more.
I had thought to complete some of the work from home and let Dholak know of my status by 8pm, I had left early today, been in office for just 10 hours. To complete my work I had swithed on the computer, only to find that Dholak has already sent the status to Amma and her chelas. I had no option left but to praise Dholak's work here and about my unproductive day in office.
Any day in office can't be complete without Dholak's story. Dholak is one fat ass dumbo(thus named Dholak by me) who by designation is senior to me but in brains a nursery kid might be a good contender for her. She comes to office for 2 reasons only. First being to pee and secondly to piss off everybody else in the team but one, retard overacting Cutie, the beauty.All the time I had heard stories about her missing hours and her awesome English language. Although Dholak deserves far more words for desciption going by her size(figure) and magnitude of 'work' she does, I'm sorry but I have other less important people to discuss. Basanti, the attitude girl has 2 Dhanno and 2 Dhanna(stallion). Our TL has been rechristend as the Lord, btw. She is the best TL I have ever seen, as said by Jha girl and I'm in full agreement to it. Today Badey papa, us(the L* guys), Basanti and Lord had come to the bay and we had a discussion over our binary count performance. Basanti as expected showed full attitude and gave me some tips on common sense, which according to Dhanno 1, I'm lacking. Lord did not contribute much to the discussion, she is not well actually. We reached to conclusion in a cool and calm way. I had thought it would be one hell of a 'war'. I'm learning the art of negotiation I guess.
We had some server issue in phoren land, so we had not work. What could have been done was not done. I don't the reason. Time in the office passes like anything. I fail to remember the time spent in various activities in office. I do have lots of work and at the end of the day I don't have any work to show. This is a mystery.
Carnival is being planned out next Friday! Quite surprisingly I'm in. Penguin girl persuaded enough to convince me to take part. Fashion show!! dude!! C'mon man! Alright..yes I'm in, I said.
Let's see how it goes..there is an audition(prelims) to be cleared. One of the judges is also a participant from out team, so audition should be a cakewalk[and a catwalk ;) ].
My end of the day was awesome as well as awful. While I was playing catch-catch with Cutie the beauty, my wrong throw brought Lord Ganpati down from Jha girl's monitor. Shaken and shocked I said sorry to Jha girl first and then to Lord Ganpati. Dholak was in the call with Amma. After the 'disaster' i.e. seeing Ganpati fall, there was a 'chaos' and Dholak missed some key points from the call, which she was anyways not paying heed to. After the call was over Cutie walked up to Dholak, asking "Is the call over?". This triggered Dholak's accusition salvo. Though she loooked at her pet, Cutie her accusitions and complaints were directed to me. A bit was directed towards to Jha girl too. She retaliated quickly and strongly, to which Dholak had no answer. While Dholak, the jackass was shouting(in the bay) I moved to one corner with my partner L* master, savouring 5 star we received as a treat. Having pissed big time, L* master, Jha girl and I moved to cafe to curse Dholak more.
I had thought to complete some of the work from home and let Dholak know of my status by 8pm, I had left early today, been in office for just 10 hours. To complete my work I had swithed on the computer, only to find that Dholak has already sent the status to Amma and her chelas. I had no option left but to praise Dholak's work here and about my unproductive day in office.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
It's been long since I scribbled here. My last post was about our bad days at work..but today table seems to ahve turned and so are our days. This week seemed to productive enough to make us eligible for an 'accolade', a mail.
Now samething about this post. Title of this post is derived from a statement that Neha Dhupia had made sometimes back. "I'm neither a delight nor a disaster" when asked about her cooking skills. I was impressed with her answer so much so that whenever I was asked the same question, I replied the same. My evening today in kitchen was a disaster, not the preparation but the taste. Being inspired by Karthik who had coooked zillions of dishes today, some stuffed as in 'Bharwa baigan', chicken, which were marinated in curd and awesome looking ingredients and sambhar, the regular dish and one another, I took the job of preparing my food for dinner. I went to market got chicken and onion, devoted my time and effort for the food, which didnt taste impressive. I was not supposed to add water to it, but having feared of buring the chicken I added some and I guess that worsen the taste. Spices and all didn't penetrate chicken pieces and all I had was watery gravy,less on salt, one side and taste less, properly cooked chicken one side. Good enough for stomach, bad enough for taste buds. I had to had it all because there seems to be some problem with our fridge. It was good 650+ gms chicken and I had it with another 250+ gms rice. My belly is about to burst, I sense. I'll have to have a Thums Up, probably that would make me feel better.
I had lot more points to mention, but work gave me no time to be here and spend some time writing. I had wonderful weekend last week. Same, I'm not expecting this weekend! This post took a long tym and thus I got coke in interim. Relieved and I'm. Talking to Akhil.
Now samething about this post. Title of this post is derived from a statement that Neha Dhupia had made sometimes back. "I'm neither a delight nor a disaster" when asked about her cooking skills. I was impressed with her answer so much so that whenever I was asked the same question, I replied the same. My evening today in kitchen was a disaster, not the preparation but the taste. Being inspired by Karthik who had coooked zillions of dishes today, some stuffed as in 'Bharwa baigan', chicken, which were marinated in curd and awesome looking ingredients and sambhar, the regular dish and one another, I took the job of preparing my food for dinner. I went to market got chicken and onion, devoted my time and effort for the food, which didnt taste impressive. I was not supposed to add water to it, but having feared of buring the chicken I added some and I guess that worsen the taste. Spices and all didn't penetrate chicken pieces and all I had was watery gravy,less on salt, one side and taste less, properly cooked chicken one side. Good enough for stomach, bad enough for taste buds. I had to had it all because there seems to be some problem with our fridge. It was good 650+ gms chicken and I had it with another 250+ gms rice. My belly is about to burst, I sense. I'll have to have a Thums Up, probably that would make me feel better.
I had lot more points to mention, but work gave me no time to be here and spend some time writing. I had wonderful weekend last week. Same, I'm not expecting this weekend! This post took a long tym and thus I got coke in interim. Relieved and I'm. Talking to Akhil.
Friday, March 12, 2010
APL - 1
For whom this status is not clear..It's A premier league that's going on for over a month now and we are the LKRs of this series. LKR!?, I meant L knight Rider..No prize for guessing the performance chart of our team. While We, our 'captain' an us are unable to figure out what is going wrong each day, our International 'SRK' (amma) is getting pissed now. We had special camps set for the LKRs, we went through rigorous training of 2 weeks by a foreign coach..but we are not delivering enough that pleases our Master. How can learning to hold a 'bat' can teach you how to face 'Warne' man!! The bouncers we get while we bat in the day/night matches..leave us nothing but to duck( or be an ostrich for that matter). We miss our home crowd..but being Knight Riders, we have also lost all their sympathies and support too. Being in a foreign land with the phoren babas to cheer and support us, we don't know what to do. How to please the audience? Once the match is over for the day..while we suck, we get cursed.
I guess I did good enough job in concealing the facts ;) and not breaking any Policies.
I guess I did good enough job in concealing the facts ;) and not breaking any Policies.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
I'm disturbed..causal analysis do suggest it's because of the missing phone, but I believe it's more than just a missing phone. I don't know what that is. Probably listening to 'Disturbia' can do some good, off to sleep with the song dropping in my ear.
Monday, February 22, 2010
I came from Shirdi a few moments ago. It was a memorable trip, though no phenomenal changes happened in me as a person. I wanted to 'change' or at least, expected to 'change' after hearing all the 'miracles' Sai Baba has done, but, nothing happened. This certainly does not mean that I have lost my faith in Sai Baba. Of this I'm sure, it's not going to happen, ever, the loss of faith. I'm, in fact, a witness of some miracles, the only sad part was it didn't happen in Baba's territory.
I also went to Shani Shingdapur(Maharashtrians will call it Shingdapuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuur, I've more on this in my store,but some times later). The journey was ok ( 6/10), the panda/pujaari was a biggest jerk of the millennium I must say. That guy pissed me off big time. Before I could devout I was way off the Shila. I was pressed against the time so I had to leave before I could explore the place more and see houses with no door.
A must visit, I would say, provided you have time to sit and feel the presence of the Divine.
I tried to keep the tale of short journey shorter and filled it with not enough reasons to compel you to go, but certainly enough to reconsider your decision about going to Shirdi. But at the moment I'm one pissed sleepy guy, my words are not be taken seriously, especially the cursing part.
Good Night.
Om Sai Ram.
Om Sani Shanaishcharaye Namah
I also went to Shani Shingdapur(Maharashtrians will call it Shingdapuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuur, I've more on this in my store,but some times later). The journey was ok ( 6/10), the panda/pujaari was a biggest jerk of the millennium I must say. That guy pissed me off big time. Before I could devout I was way off the Shila. I was pressed against the time so I had to leave before I could explore the place more and see houses with no door.
A must visit, I would say, provided you have time to sit and feel the presence of the Divine.
I tried to keep the tale of short journey shorter and filled it with not enough reasons to compel you to go, but certainly enough to reconsider your decision about going to Shirdi. But at the moment I'm one pissed sleepy guy, my words are not be taken seriously, especially the cursing part.
Good Night.
Om Sai Ram.
Om Sani Shanaishcharaye Namah
Friday, February 5, 2010
Fir mile sur....
the ONLY GOOD thing about 'fir mile sur' is Anoushka Shankar..otherwise this remix sucks....its patheticallly long, does not arouse patriotism in no sense and has bollywood dickshits miming. National heros appear in the end that too with minimal screen space...this is 'balatkaar' and no chamatkaar in true sense
Rahul: |
aur report do
Abhishek: |
sab kiya hia
ab bas yahi bacha hai
ye bhi dkeh hi lete hain
Rahul: |
dekho aur maaro
Abhishek: |
he he haan
Rahul: |
ye maarne ki cheez hai
hamara lun b azeez hai
jaan eho
Abhishek: |
he he he
aaj toh poore mood mein hai bhai!!
Rahul: |
haan yar
muud to bahut hai
mausam b to mast chal rhahai na
Abhishek: |
sardi khatam?
Rahul: |
is mausam me lulli zor maarti hai
Abhishek: |
ha bha ha
if (mausam = winter)
loda = lulli++;
loda = lulli++;
Rahul: |
ye kya hai
abe yaar
Abhishek: |
iss mausam mien
lulli zor maar k
Rahul: |
winter b to ++ kar
Abhishek: |
lulli nah rehti
loda ban jaati hai
Rahul: |
spring ko approach kar rha hai na
Abhishek: |
Rahul: |
logical error hai
Abhishek: |
basant k mausam mein lund bhi basanti ho jaat hai
Rahul: |
heheh kuch bhi
Abhishek: |
basanti i meant
Rahul: |
if ( limit mausam -> spring)
loda = lulli++;
loda = lulli++;
define ZOR 1
if (mausam > winter && mausam < mausam ="=" loda =" lulli">
zor varies peron to person
Abhishek: |
struct Loda
double size;
struct lingProp characteristic;
struct lingProp
int main()
if (mausam >= winter && mausam <= summer) { loda.size = lulli++; loda.characteristic = basanti; } }
double size;
struct lingProp characteristic;
struct lingProp
int main()
if (mausam >= winter && mausam <= summer) { loda.size = lulli++; loda.characteristic = basanti; } }
oye hoye
Rahul: |
abe hahhaa
Abhishek: |
tu bhi
Rahul: |
Abhishek: |
ha ha
do bakchod
ek saath mile hian
Rahul: |
lode ka structure bana diya
Abhishek: |
ha ha
aur kya
Rahul: |
abe yaar ye to tagda tha bhai
Abhishek: |
abe tera code zyaad fadu lag raha hai
Rahul: |
abe tera bada generous hai
complicated b hai
Abhishek: |
creativity toh hum mein hi hai
Rahul: |
OOPs impilmentation b hai
bhai sexy man
Abhishek: |
tbj u
thnk u
Rahul: |
ek kaam kar na ek jhaant tree b bana de
Abhishek: |
ha ha aha
Rahul: |
Abhishek: |
ha h aha
ha ha ah aha
ha ha haha
sahi hia bhai
kaun sa
BST ya
k ary
Rahul: |
j tree
Abhishek: |
ha ah a
Rahul: |
Abhishek: |
ha aha
ye chat main
daalne wala hoon
Rahul: |
Abhishek: |
blog pe
Sent at 12:37 AM on Friday
Rahul: |
aaaaahh maza aa gya
This is the most awesome chat and the awesomest piece of code I have ever written...there are indeed glaring syntactical errors but then in chat those can be spared....I need to sleep now.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
I lost my boozinity yesterday. RS Whiskey was the culprit. Until yesterday people asked me, forced me, and sometimes begged me to have it, but I didn't taste it. But yesterday was altogether different, I asked for it. Though I did not decide the brand or the variety. I had left the job to pro(s). BTW I had gone to a friend's flat last night for it, the booze I mean.
The taste did not seem good..the smell was awesome though. It was more like a cough syrup. Pro2 made it for me, the quantity of whiskey was quite low by my 'standard'. I had always idolized heros guzzling beer like anything. So I was dissatisfied initially with the quantity of whiskey. To that small amount almost the glass was filled with Thums up and a bit of water. It was bitter. I had trouble big time finishing the first glass. For the next one no water was added,it was all Thums Up and quantity of whiskey was increased. It hurt less this time. Later, Thums Up tasted bitter when I had it 'neat'. It(Thums Up) also got over by the time I finished my second glass. Pro1 and Pro 2 told me that if you had it 'neat' you come know the actual flow of food down your throat. It was the time to experience and I had it neat. My throat was all burning but I had to bear that to know how booze floats down to my stomach. The whole path which it took was burning or I felt hot all down there, I mean the path from throat to stomach. I drank water to get some relief. Aha, relieved I was. Then I had two glasses with water itself. To be truthful I was not feeling anything, I mean it didn't feel anytime that I'm drinking liquor. I did not loose any of my senses.
Since I didnt feel drunk I had more, this time with water only..and I began to enjoy the taste more. And had 3 glasses more. To test whether I was drunk or not... I was given the task to stand on one leg, spread out my arms and speak " british constitution " 3 times. I had trouble standing on one leg and then this "British constitution" seemed like a tongue twister..though I said it. To the prove point to them that I not drunk I did that 4 more times.
Finally I slept at 3..I believe a final glass at 2:30 am did the trick. I woke up today at 11 am. No hangover..nothing. I guess becoming pro. 'Experience ceratainty' is a fucking phrase..It's always uncertain.
Adios amigos
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Rab toh dikhega hi
"Tujhme rab dikhta hai" ... is the track from the movie "Rab ne bana di jodi" (this union is divine ;) ) ...iss film mein ek heroine hoti hai jinko pyaar toh Raj, the dude se hota hai...that gives fun and could give 'fun' very well...lekin rab toh unhe naukari waale chirkut..naam yaad nahi, lekin 'not so goood looking' waale bande mein hi dikhta hai...kyon??? simpil hai... Raj 'fun' to de sakta hai..lekin paise toh apne rab waale bhai sahab hi de sakte hain...jidhar paisa udhar rab...imaan dol hi jaata hai...yakeen na aaye toh dekh lena movie fir se.
BTW I'm not promoting this movie in any way.
saadar pranam
Monday, January 4, 2010
Why not be an Asura, the demon
Remember any religious serials...where rakshas appear laughing, yeah?! The same I' talking about.
Saale (sorry saalon) zindagi bhar aish karte hain..mast khate peete hain..jo chahe woh karte hain..kabhi kisi ka haran aur kabhi chir haran..aur end mein kya hota hai... the great bhagwaan, avataar lete hain..in sab rakshaso ko maar kar unko mukti de dete hain..aur se sab bhavsagar se paar ho jate hain.Naam aur kama le jaate hain saale.
Look at the contrasting picture
Saadhu maharaj hote hain..zindagi bhar daan punya..pooja paath sab karte hain, hota kya hai?? zindagi gujar jati hai..darshan toh kya..ghanta milta hai....sabko sab rakshaho k naam yaad hai..kitne sadhu mahatmao k naam pata hai??? ek baar apne aap se poochh k dekhiye kitne sant logo k naam le sakte hain. And please do not count aaj k baba log, please.
toh mera vichaar ye hai ki asur kyon na bana jaye..aish kaato naam kamao..zulm karo..bhagwaan khud tumko thikane lagane aayenge...but kya karein zamana kharab hai..kalyug hai bhai..kaash main 2-3 yug pehle paisa hota!! bhagwaan ko bhi dekh leta.
I don't know, I was too young to remember anything, but I believe I must have cried when my parents left me in school for the first time when I was 3.
Now when I'm 23 and left my home (and the city) my parents had tears in their eyes. Time certainly changes everything.
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