Sunday, May 16, 2010


I'm done with 'DORK'..this could have better been a tweet, but Twitter seems so boring!
I wish I had Blackberry like 'Einstien' had, to do more of tweeting and limiting my ideas to 140 charaters.

Twitter has lately become one helluva cool stuff, that I have heard about since blogging.

It is 1:55 am already and I'm feeling sleepy...Ohh yes! sleepy as hell, but I do wish to write a lot. Short posts are not my thing.

Although it is 16th now, 15th May will be a memorable day for me and others in our team(Testing). Not because something special happened on this day but because something ended on 14th. Dholak Raj is over! Dholak(another DORK) was our acting TL for a week! Thank GOD this week had 5 working days only. For the first two days she landed into altercation(in the bay! wtf) while she tried to boss around. Other days went by, like..umm..OK. She is ________ and a total lame unprofessional fat ass. Her IQ, I guess, is -473.60000000000000. She won't accept other's view point, won't let them say even. I'm feeling shivers thinking of her at this moment. NOTHING about her is GOOD. I would have better not put this here. But I sincerely love hating her.
I would let Lord know of all the wrong doings of Dholak in the past week, while Dholak does what she always does, talk shit to Lord. Monday 17th would be awesome because:
a) Lord would be back.
b) I'll have more Dholak stories, about Dholak complaining to Lord about our 'misconducts'.

Good news to all..I might land in Delhi next weekend! Awesome! I hope Lord will allow me to have my time.

P.S. : Expecting comments in the language I don't understand!! Akhil enjoys those comments more than anyone else. It saves him from lot of 'search' troubles! He he.


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