It was born here, grew up to the age of 4 months and now it is dead. One of the two kitties, one with grayish shade is now dead. Found behind a flower pot, detected by foul smell and the corpse overwhelmed by ants.
When it was small, a newborn he(because of ball bags) along with her sister used to follow their mom with closed eyes, shaking legs and sweetest 'meew' you'll ever here. Within a day or two their eyes opened and in a week or so their legs gained strengnth and they started walking.They used to walk up to the gate in our courtyard accompanying their mom and 'ask' for food. It was awesome, three cats staring at your face, not saying a word. The look always did the trick for them, howsoever hard I shooed them they knew by instict and I knew by habit that I'm going to give them something to eat. They favoured crumbled Krackjack biscuit a lot. 2 weeks later they started savouring bread and milk with their mom. As they grew up they grew naughtier and stronger. their paws had developed and they used it effectively to climb on the couch and chairs. They crawled and sneaked into every corner possible. They fought as hell and soon afterwards used to sleep.
Bro,cousin and I were also part of their gang and used to play with them, we used to throw softball at them and once it hit them, kitties used to chase the rolling ball and try their huntin skills on it. Jumping over it then move aside, taking a sharp turn then again jumping over it, a cautious look around and then again an attack on the still ball, absolute hunt. I had a long rope and once this was struck to either of them, they used to chase the rope grab it with paws and small teeth and when I used to pull the rope towards me, beause of their grip, they were also pulled along and sometimes lifted in air. As soon as I came back from coll, I used to play with them and in case they were found sleeping they were waken up. The yawn...most beautiful, most spectacular and then the look with the sleepy eyes were enuf to forget all the hardships of college( final presentation days were very close then).
As the kitties grew their mom started hunting for pigeons, rats and squirrels and started brining them for her kids. It was tolearted by us 3-4 times but cat didn't get the point and soon the kitties and their mom were shown the exit route. they took shelter in neraby houses and were visible only after a month of their exile.
They both visited our house a week before she was found dead. We noticed their visit by the chirping of a pair of Humming bird which had built a nest in one of the plant. They had grown to a decent size by then, yet smaller to be called as adult cat. They were of course shooed away.
The other 'kitty' visited today and did all the same trciks of hunting in the courtyard and as soon as she meew I could feel in her voice, a search for her brother.
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