Saturday, November 15, 2008

CAT'08 - my predictions

While many Gurus have not been able to correctly predict whatCAT pattern could be and many of them have already advised us not to waste time in doing the same.But did follow their advice till date but now..CAT is almost here and following are my predcitions....

a) Number of question > 120 or about 150
b) FIB with jumbled words
c) D.I. involving Rocket Science concepts ~ test taker community will have nightmares bout DI for        many nights to come.

This thing is in form of a blog..for me to check how did I fare in this job of predicting the Unpredictable. I hope I'll do good.

Adios Amigos

1 comment:

Vaibhav Jain said...

hehe... u didnt do good...
the third point was somewht closer... rest.. :P